Bootstrap 3 Templates & Snippets

Save time creating HTML markup/content by using these fully-editable free HTML templates & snippets. Edit or customize with the HTML Editor before download. Free for any commercial or personal use.

  Select HTML templates

Bootstrap icon Bootstrap 3
Credit to the official documentation for the examples

# Cards

Or upload and edit html

Get html project

Get HTML project files

Upload and edit custom html website projects. Get the necessary html, css, js files to upload

Create zip file

Place the files into a single zip file

Put the website (project) files in a single zipped (.zip) file, include an index.html at the "top" and not within another folder

Upload zip file

Upload the zip file using your PageSection user account

Upload the zip file using our service to create a project and receive a link. Later you can edit or delete the project

Receive web link

Receive a web URL link for every uploaded project

After any successful project upload, you will receive a web URL link which can be used to visit or share the website

Customize HTML Templates

Get html project

Get HTML project files

This could be a website for a client, or for personal use. Get the necessary project files of the website to upload

Create zip file

Place the files into a single zip file

Put the website (project) files in a single zipped (.zip) file, include an index.html at the "top" and not within another folder

Upload zip file

Upload the zip file using your PageSection user account

Upload the zip file using our service to create a project and receive a link. Later you can edit or delete the project

Receive web link

Receive a web URL link for every uploaded project

After any successful project upload, you will receive a web URL link which can be used to visit or share the website

PageSection provides editable HTML templates and snippets that users can customize before download using the online HTML editor. These templates are packaged as content-editable (editor) projects to provide value to our users and other web content creators. Some other reasons for this service include;

  • HTML templates are very common and useful among students, website developers, content writers, and others
  • Users tend to apply custom changes before using a template like changing text, colors, arrangement, sizes, and much more
  • No easy way to host/provide customizable HTML templates on the web as most users manually download, set up developer software, then make changes and confirm usability

We aim at providing HTML templates that are free for personal and commercial use from across a wide variety of CSS frameworks such as Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Bulma and more. Web content writers and others who need simple easy-to-use templates can check out the sample webpage/content templates for online editing. If you are a web developer and want to provide HTML templates to post or feature, contact us via email to suggest or collaborate.